User id: 11800073
This is for the Worlds we have mapped....

Player name World Might Alliance
_V_ Lancelot135 (Français) 334,846,524,669 Святая_Русь
Мех Mordred109 (Russian) 88,695,507,817 Святaя_Русь
мех Tristan111 (Swedish) 1,313,196,471 СТРАТОГРАД
Мех142 145 898,699,226 Terminators
Мех Percival142 (Russian) 898,698,206 Terminators
Механикус Underworld (Hardcore) (Old) 11,395,178 Russian_legion
Мех PvP Easter 101 (Old 2019) 514,084 RUSSIAN_LEGION
Мех Guardian (Hardcore) (Old 2017) 369,650 RUSSIAN_LEGION
Мех AvalonPvP138 (Hardcore) 353,291 Дизель
Старче 101 Champion of 2018 (Old 2019) 321,229 RUSSIAN_LEGION
Мех Passion PvP 101 (Old 2019) 141,900 RUSSIAN_LEGION
Мех Resurgence (Hardcore) (Old 2016) 32,922 RUSSIAN_LEGION
NewUser-70WZT141 Lancelot94 660
NewUser-70WZT Gawain141 (Br. Portuguese) 0